I was all set to write about the importance of routine then came across the idea of creating a retirement vision board. While routine brings comfort, stability, improved physical and mental health, I love the idea of a vision board! If you are not familiar with a vision board, it can be anything from a physical collage of images, words, and phrases to a digital board with photos and quotes that inspire you.
The vision board is something that you would display in a place where you will regularly see it, so it helps you focus on goals and gives you the motivation to achieve them. It can be as creative as you want and can be a lot of fun and great activity to do as a couple.
Here are five points of inspiration taken from What is a Retirement Vision Board? How to Create Yours, Living 50+, January 2, 2024.
Motivation is the key - What images or words resonate with your vision of retirement?
Use images that evoke emotion - Whether it's a sense of joy, adventure, or serenity, it makes the vision board a powerful tool for manifesting your dreams.
Be grateful - One feature of a great vision board is a focus of gratitude to create a positive foundation for envisioning your future.
Write a vision statement - It can serve as a guiding principle, outlining the overarching theme of your vision board.
Go big - Going big expands your vision and instills a sense of excitement and possibility.
Pull out your calling star and incorporate aspects of this in your vision board! Consider sharing a picture of your vision board to motivate others! I will see you at Narrow Gate Horse Ranch on Saturday if you are serving! We still need more help so if you want to serve there is still time.
But, as it is written, “What no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man imagined, what God has prepared for those who love him”— 1 Cor. 2:9 ESV